(Bodet Detect)

This is a simple guide to setting up your Bodet NTP Clock using Bodet Detect and the inbuilt Web Browser. For the sake of the below, the example uses New Zealand Time and Daylight Saving.
If you have not already done so you will need to install Bodet detect. Bodet Detect allows you to browse your network and detect any relevant Bodet NTP Display Clocks and advise their assigned IP address for accessing directly via a web browser.
Bodet Detect can be downloaded and installed from the below download button.
Simply save to your computer and run: Bodetdetect.exe
First ensuring that your relevant NTP (POE) Bodet Clocks are connected to your network, the next step is run/open Bodet Detect.

Next click on Search Devices (the circle with arrows to the left of 'Manual addition') to detect all available Bodet NTP Clocks on your Network.

Next select the applicable clock (one at a time) you wish to configure and press Web Browser Access. This will now open your Web Browser and allow you to direct access the selected Clock.
Within the Embedded Web Server the Home screen will detail the current settings relevant to the selected Clock.

The second option Network Configuration allows your define if the clock is running a DHCP or Static IP Address.
Please be careful if using a Static IP address that you do not use the incorrect address otherwise this may cause a lose of network connectivity.

The third and final option covered on in this quick setup guide is Time Configuration. This allows you to set firstly, the offset from GMT and Daylight Savings, and secondly the Time Source for synchonising the Clock.
The example below is the New Zealand Time offset from GMT and algorithim for daylight savings.
In terms of Synchronisation, unless otherwise recommended our suggestion is to use Unicast. The IP Addresses for your Time Source can either be set to your own internal Time Server IP Address (if you have one) or an appropriate external Time Server.
Remember to Save after you have entered your settings

Important Notes
Firstly, whatever Time Server you are using as your time source please ensure you enable the correct network protocols, permissions, etc. to allow for the safe use and connection to the relevant IP addresses you are using.
Secondly, if you wish to use an external Time Source there is many publicly listed websites. One that we often use to get Internet Time Server addresses from for testing is as per the below link.
Bodet Detect allows you to save a clocks Web Server settings and upload these to other clocks should you wish. This is easily done via the Configuration Tab in Bodet Detect by selecting the applicable Clock to save (select by Ticking in the Device List) and pressing Save Configuration.
Uploading is similarly done by selecting the applicable Clock(s) to upload to (select by Ticking in the Device List), pressing Upload Configuration and selecting the desired file to upload.