(Lauranka COMMS Sigma)
If you have a Lauranka USB Install Stick please use that. If not you can download a full install version of Lauranka COMMS Sigma from here:
1. The COMMS Sigma Communications Software. This application interacts with the Sigma, VisionPass and MorphoWave Readers to allow you to easily setup the Reader(s), backup, change and transfer templates, and easily POLL raw clocking/transaction data to a meaningful file for use by Lauranka Software products or 3rd party software providers.
To install the Software, after choosing the appropriate Windows Version you are using, simply run the 'Setup.exe' file and install to the default options.
If you have downloaded via the link above please note you will need to unzip the file first. Likewise if ‘AccessDatabaseEngine.exe’ has never been installed previously via office or similar, you may also need to install this from the USB Stick/Downloadfile.
Once installed Lauranka COMMS Sigma can be run from the Windows menu and is called:
Lauranka Comms Sigma
Please note the first time you run COMMS Sigma you will be prompted for a valid license number and validation code. These can be obtained by contacting Lauranka's Help/Support Desk on:
+64 6 877 00 33, or