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(Lauranka Time Clock Series 3)

This guide will help you understand and setup the Rules/Awards.


STEP 1. Open your Lauranka TimeClock Software.



STEP 2. Select 'Setup' from the 'Main Menu'.

STEP 3. Select 'Groups'.


You can setup additional (new) Rules/Awards by selecting the next available blank Group via the Arrows or 'Group Search' button.

STEP 4. General Setup

STEP 4a. 'Description': Give this Group Rule/Award a name.

STEP 4b. 'Active': If you setup a new Group Rule/Award then this must be set to 'Yes'.

STEP 4c. 'Pay Ending Day': Select the last day of your pay week.

(If you are running bi-weekly or monthly timesheets this should be representative of any weekly cycles you run for overtime or corrections.)

Important Note:

Due to how an employees data is processed and stored within Lauranka once you have created your Group and have established data (more than 2 weeks history or have any data within a Closed Period) you cannot (MUST NOT) alter either the Pay Ending Day or the Day Change Time from After to Before (or vice versa). If you wish to change either of these settings then you must undertake the following process:


  1. Create a new Group (set of Rules) with the new setting

  2. Terminate any existing employee(s) whom will apply to this new Group

  3. Recreate any Employee(s) and allocate them to this new Group.


When you recreate a new Employee they can have the same card Number , etc. as previously and their old data can still be view under their old profiles.

STEP 4d. 'Time Rounding' (minutes): Select in the absence of any other overriding rules, how each Clocking time should be rounded. The 'In' and 'Out' works in conjunction with 'Time Rounding' and allows you to define at what point you break the 'Time Rounding' for both the 'In' clocking and also the 'Out Clocking'.

Important: Please ensure you understand how this rounding (example) works so you can check and adjust as applicable to yourself.


'Time Rounding' = 15(min)

'In' = 5(min)

'Out' = 10(min).



For clocking 'In' on the...

1st-4th min = back to previous 15min interval

5th-15th min = forward to next 15min interval


For clocking 'Out' on the...

1st-9th min = back to previous 15min interval

10th-15th min = forward to next 15min interval

STEP 5. Do you work through midnight?

If Yes go to 5a

If No go to 5c


STEP 5a. 'Day Change Time': If you are working through midnight you have the ability to allow for this to occur and ensure In and Out clockings are matched together.


'Before' = The day cycle will run 24 hours prior to the Time shown

'After' = The day cycle will run 24 hours forward of the Time shown


The default is 'After' '00:00' (i.e. 24 hours forward of midnight)


(If you are using this feature, some manual adjustments to Statutory holiday calculations may be required around Stat days.)


Important Note:

Once you have created your Group and have established data (more than 2 weeks history or have any data within a Closed Period) you cannot (MUST NOT) alter the Day Change Time from After to Before (or vice versa). If you wish to change these settings please read the above notes re Step 4c. Pay Ending Day.

STEP 5b. 'Extend Hours': This is similar to the 'Day Change Time' but instead allows the system to look so many hours into the next day (past the 'Day Change Time') for a matching out clocking.


The default is 'No' (i.e. not active)


(If you are using this feature, some manual adjustments to Statutory holiday calculations may be required around Stat days.)

STEP 5c. 'Maximum Shift' : If you wish to set a maximum shift time, this is the maximum amount of time (irrespective of any other rules) the system will allow between an In an Out clocking before highlighting it as an exception via Missing Punches.


The default is '00:00' (i.e. not used)

STEP 6. Do you pay any overtime?

If Yes choose the appropriate overtime type(s)

6a = Daily

6b = Weekly

6c = Statutory Holidays

6d = Addition hours (weekly)

6e = Overtime before/after time points in time


If No go to 7.


STEP 6a. 'Daily Overtime': If you are running overtime specifically on a daily basis, then this can be set via the OTA and OTB hours (i.e. this is the number of hours an employee must work on the day before going into the overtime classification.)


To immediately go into an overtime classification enter '00:01'

STEP 6b. 'Weekly Overtime': If you are running overtime specifically on weekly basis, then this can be set via the OTA and OTB hours (i.e. this is the number of hours an employee must work for the week before going into the overtime classification.)


To immediately go into an overtime classification enter '00:01'

STEP 6c. 'Stats Overtime': If an employee gets overtime when working on a Statutory Holiday, then this can be set via the OTA and OTB hours (i.e. this is the number of hours an employee must work on the Stat day before going into the overtime classification.)


To immediately go into an overtime classification enter '00:01'



STEP 6d. Weekly Overtime Type: This option allows you to select between 2 separate different methods of calculating Weekly Overtime when used in conjunction with Daily Overtime. These 2 methods are ‘Concurrent’ and ‘Cumulative’. The default setting is Concurrent.

Explanation of Concurrent – If the Concurrent option is chosen, then an employee’s worked hours will be classified according to the Weekly Overtime criteria when the Total number of hours worked for that week (including any Daily Overtime) equals the Weekly OTA and OTB values.

If Weekly OTA equals 40 hours (I.e. an employee goes onto Overtime A after 40 hours), then when the total number of hours worked including any Daily Overtime equals 40 hours, additional time will be allocated at Overtime A.

Explanation of Cumulative – If the Cumulative option is chosen then an employee’s worked hours will be classified according to the Weekly Overtime criteria when the number of Regular or OTA hours worked for that week (excluding any Daily Overtime) equals the Weekly OTA and OTB values.

If Weekly OTA equals 40 hours (I.e. an employee goes onto Overtime A after 40 hours), then an employee must work 40 hours of Regular Time before Weekly overtime effect.



STEP 6e. 'Additional Hours Overtime Structure': If you are wanting to track Additional Hours greater than a set weekly amount, then select the 'Additional Hours Overtime Structure' and enter the number of hours for the week.


(This essentially functions very similar to Weekly Overtime, except Additional hours automatically go to the OTB classification, and Statutory holidays worked go to the OTA classification.)

STEP 6f. 'Additional Hours Overtime Structure By Roster' (available from v3.172 onwards): This function works similar to the above 'Additional Hours Overtime Structure' (Step 6e) except where with the above overtime is set based on the fix value you enter for this option the weekly overtime is variable based on the employees Roster. Please note with this option Overtime is derived after the total number of hours worked for the week exceed the total number of Rostered hours, and is not accumulated and shown on a day-by-day basis.


(Like the above 'Additional Hours Overtime Structure' additional hours automatically go to the OTB classification, and Statutory holidays worked go to the OTA classification.)

STEP 6g. 'Calculate Overtime by Allowances': If your overtime is based on hours worked before and/or after a certain time of the day then you can activate this option by selecting this feature. Please note that additional to selecting this feature, this specific overtime must be setup via the Allowances Setup screen.


Click here for details on how to setup Allowances

STEP 7. Additional Calculation Rules (if used)


STEP 7a. 'Min. Hrs': If there is a set minimum amount of hours you wish to pay then this can be set via this function, where the minimum hours are:


Shift = between an In and Out clocking

Daily = for an entire day

Weekly = for an entire week


The default is '00:00' (i.e. not used)


STEP 7b. 'Weekly Overtime Includes Leaves': If you are using weekly overtime and wish for Leaves to be counted towards overtime select this option. Once selected a specific Leave type can be selected (via the Leave Setup screen) to be included or excluded from this calculation.


Unless there is a specific reason to the contrary our recommendation is that this should be selected if running weekly overtime.

STEP 7c. 'Weekly Overtime Excludes Stats Not Worked':  If you are using weekly overtime and wish to exclude Stats not worked from the weekly overtime calculation select this option.

STEP 7d. 'Stats Calculated First in Weekly Overtime':  If you are using weekly overtime and wish that Statutory hours (Stat not worked) are counted first towards overtime select this option.


Unless there is a specific reason to the contrary our recommendation is that this should be selected if running weekly overtime.

STEP 7e. 'Statutory Holiday Calculated on Actual Day' (available only on the SQL Version from v3.132 SQL onwards):


The default (legacy) way to process a Stat day if an employee worked through midnight into or out of a Holiday was to treat the entire shift as the designated day only with an appropriate manual adjustment required to cater for the time worked either side of midnight to worked to be processes differently if you choose to split at midnight.


If you have shifts working through midnight then this new feature if selected allows should you wish for Statutory Holidays to be processed/applied strictly from midnight to midnight (i.e. the actual Stat day) without the need for a manual adjustment as per the default/legacy option.

Notes: The use of this function carries certain restrictions, primarily it cannot be used in conjunction with the 'Additional Hours Overtime Structure' feature.

Also please note if using this function we urge you to understand and check the relevant Stat calculation values created for an employee(s) to ensure you are happy with these.

I.e. for example with respect of exporting values subject to this calculation process, primarily around relevant Pay Export Files that include a 'Credit Alt Holiday' value; then with this function should an employee work any part of any Stat day they will be allocated a Credit Alt Holiday value only (plus hours worked at the overtime rate specified). A Stat not worked value will not be created.

This means for example for a relevant Pay Export File if an employee worked 8 hours across midnight from Christmas Day to Boxing Day (2 Stat days), the system will process all 8 hours at the overtime rate specified, plus 2 days of credit alt holiday. No other value will be created.

Also if using Auto Breaks (with the 'After' option chosen) please ensure these are placed at a time that do not trigger across midnight.

Please note this feature is not available for use with the 'Day Change Time' -'Before' option.

STEP 7f. 'Apply Roster': If you have setup and are using the Rostering feature (on the Main menu), then by selecting this option the Rosters you have setup and allocated for an employee will overwrite as applicable these Group Rules.


Unless there is a specific reason, if you are using the Rostering feature our recommendation is that this should be selected.

STEP 7g. 'OT Multiplier': A small selection of reports can be printed in dollars, if you are likely to use these reports then you can set the default multiplier rates that those reports will use for calculations.


The default values are 'OTA' = 1.5 and 'OTB' = 2 

STEP 8. Revisions and Breaks


STEP 8a. 'Global Revision Times': This function allows you to setup a number of global rules that will take priority in the absence of any applying Roster.




'Fixed Breaks' = No time will be paid during the Start and Finish time


'In Punch Revision' = Any In clocking between the Start and Finish time will be paid from the Finish time.


'Out Punch Revision' = Any Out clocking between the Start and Finish time will be paid to the Start time.


'In Punch Grace' = Any In clocking between the Start and Finish time will be paid from the Start time.


'Out Punch Grace' = Any Out clocking between the Start and Finish time will be paid to the Finish time.


You can set each Revision type multiple times, however please ensure that if you do that the times do not overlap each other.

STEP 8b. 'Auto Breaks': This function allows you to set an unpaid break after so many hours of continuous work. To activate select the 'Active' to 'Yes', defined the 'Period Before Break', and then lastly select the 'Break Length.

Please note an 'Auto Break' works forward of the 'Period Before Time', i.e. if you have an 'Auto Break' set for 5:30 hours then the worked period between 5:30 and 6:00 is deducted or apportioned as required.

For example

If an employee works 7 hours then 30 min will be deducted, and time = 6h 30m.


Whereas if an employee worked 5 hours and 45 minutes, then only 15 minutes will be deducted, and time = 5h 30m.

STEP 8c.'Flexible Breaks': This function allows you to set both 'Paid' and 'Unpaid' breaks. Where the 'Length' is how long the break is, and the 'Rounding' is what minute increment should start to be deducted if the break is exceeded.


For 'Flexible Breaks' to work, an appropriately configured data capture reader or Punch at the P.C. must be used. Please contact the support team at Lauranka if you need more help with this.

STEP 9. Allocating Stats and Allowances


STEP 9a. 'Statutory Holidays': This allows you to set/unset Statutory holidays specific to a Group (by highlighting in yellow). The 'Holiday Hrs' are the number of hours an employee will get as a default if allocated to this Group, for either Stats not worked, or there lieu value if worked.


Addition notes regarding Statutory Holidays


If the Groups default number of 'Holiday hrs' is not applicable to an employee, then this can be overridden within the individual employees Setup screen.


The lieu value is generally only calculated for certain Pay Export Files (payroll files)


The final amount of actual 'Holiday hrs' can be amended if appropriate by employee for an individual holiday date. i.e. These are the default holiday hours value used before any final amendments might be made.


If you work through midnight, some additional manual adjustments may be required to fully allow for Statutory holidays.


Statutory holiday dates can also be set (not unset) on a Global system basis via the 'Main Menu' - 'Setup' - 'Stat Holidays' screen.


Important Note: Please note on Versions prior to 3.085 PSA when setting the Statutory Holiday dates, only the date is set and applied to the employees Time Card details at the time of selection, not the quantity of hours. It is only when a weeks data is processed or recalculated for that employee will Statutory Holiday hours be applied. Therefore we recommend it to be good practice where possible to enter Statutory Holiday details in advanced so they are processed automatically when the week in question is eventually reached and worked. If you required to put in Statutory Holiday detail retrospectively, then you should undertake a 'Recalculate' on any weeks still open for the related hours to take full effect.

Final Note:

If you decide to Set and Unset Statutory Holidays for a Group, especially for a week period relating to an employee that may already be closed, please be aware that you should manually check via the Report menu (not Corrections) to ensure those Stat days have been applied correctly as the stored archived data against an employee will not reflect any current changes to closed week periods.



STEP 9b. 'Allowance Allocation': This allows you to allocate preset Allowance to this Group.


Allowances can also be allocated via the employees Setup screen, or manually via the 'Corrections' screen.

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