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(Lauranka Time Clock Series 3)

Lauranka Time Clock Series 3 offers a number of Pay Export Files that are compatible with various Payrolls. Depending on the Payroll you are exporting to will depend on how the interface codes within the Time Clock Software need to be added.


For most Payroll's (but not all) the standard method of setting up the interface codes are via the various 'Pay Export Codes' fields that are detailed against the various type of transactions we can create, i.e. Hour Types, Leaves, Allowances, etc.


Once setup you can create the Pay Export File via the:

  1. Main Menu - '5. Reports' - 'PayFile' tab;

  2. Next, select the desired Pay Export File report;

  3. Next, select the desired Pay Period and Employees/Groups, etc.

  4. Finally press 'Print'.

This will create a report to the file location and name specified on the screen.

Hint: Remember you can right-click on the Pay Export File to set to your Favourite Reports.


Lauranka Time Clock Series 3 currently has interfaces for the following Payrolls:

  • Smoothpay

  • IMS Payroll

  • iPayroll

  • Greentree

  • PayGlobal

  • Attache

  • MYOB (Standard)

  • MYOB (Exo)

  • Smart Payroll

  • Ace Payroll

  • Datacom

  • FlexiTime

  • Netsuite Payroll

  • Crystal

  • Generic Pay Export File - This is a fully detailed CSV file for those Payrolls able to take a custom file. Detailed as 'Lauranka CSV'

Please note the level/detail of exported data may differ depending upon the Pay Export File used. These limitations are outside of our control. If you would like more detail on exactly what information is included in a Particular Pay Export File please don't hesitate to contact the team at Lauranka.

 'Lauranka CSV' File Detail
(Released on Version 3.063)


Our generic 'Lauranka CSV' file is available in either a compressed (similar values are combined into one line when applicable) or uncompressed (one line per transaction) form. In addition after creating of the 'Lauranka CSV' Pay Export File an accompanying report is automatically printed.

The file is detailed as per the examples below:

123,REG,20.00,Department 1,,10/08/2016,,
123,REG,5.50,Department 2,,10/08/2016,,
123,SICK LEAVE,7.00,,,07/08/2016,0.88,
123,STAT NOT WORKED,8.00,,,10/08/2016,1.00,
123,CREDIT ALT HOLIDAY,8.00,,,11/08/2016,1.00,


Position 1: Employee ID (variable alpha/numeric)

Position 2: Type of Payment (variable alpha/numeric), can be any of the following types of Payment:

Regular Hours
Overtime A
Overtime B
Statutory Holiday Not Worked
Credit Alt Holiday
Number of Days Paid*

* This will be limited to only one transaction line per period

Position 3: Value of Payment (can be hours, days or unit depending on the type of Payment) and will be detailed in 100ths

Position 4: Cost Centre/Department (applicable for only certain types of Payments, and only available with the option Job Tracking Module)

Position 5: Not used/spare for future options

Position 6: Transaction date (DD/MM/YYYY)


Position 7: Day Value (applicable for only certain types of Payments as detailed below)

For Leaves: Variable, calculated based on a portion of the Employees default 'Hours Per Day' as set within the '5. Employees' Setup Screen. If the default value = 00.00 then this value will always be 1.

For Statutory Holiday Not Worked: Will always be 1

For Credit Alt Holiday: Will always be 1

For Number of Days Paid: Variable, but calculated as a portion based on the Employees default 'Hours Per Day' divided by the 'Hours Per Week' as set within the '5. Employees' Setup Screen. If the default value for either = 00.00 then this value will always be 0.00. Please note this value is typically the default numbers of days they are contracted to work (based on the above calculation). The actual number of days worked for the period is detailed in Position 3.

Position 8: Notes/Comments (applicable for only certain types of transactions)

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