(Lauranka Time Clock Series 3)
This guide will help you setup the Employees.
To keep things simple the following guide will cover the minimum required fields that should be completed. If you have any questions regarding the balance of the fields please don't hesitate to contact the support team at Lauranka.
STEP 1. Open your Lauranka TimeClock Software.
STEP 2. Select 'Setup' from the 'Main Menu'.
STEP 3. Select 'Employees'.
STEP 4. Select 'New' to create a new Employee.
STEP 5. System Allocation
* = Minimum required fields
STEP 5a. 'Surname': Enter the employees surname *
STEP 5b. 'First Name': Enter the employees first name *
STEP 5c. 'Card No/User ID': A number must be entered into this field. This number must equal the ID number allocated to the employee for use on the Finger Scan Reader (or the number on the employees swipe card if using a swipe card reader) *
STEP 5d. 'Pay Export Number': This value is used to match this employees data to one of the applicable Payrolls we interface to. Therefore this value needs to be identical to the employees identifying code contained within your payroll *
If you don't intend to transfer data to one of the applicable payrolls we interface to, this field still requires to have a value. If you are not sure what value to use, just set it the same as the 'Card No/User ID' and it can be edited later as appropriate.
STEP 5e. 'Group': Select the set of Group Rules you wish to allocate the employee to *
Important Note:
Due to how an employees data is processed and stored within Lauranka once you have created your Group and have established data (more than 2 weeks history or have any data within a Closed Period) you cannot alter either an Employee to another Group with a different Pay Ending Day or the Day Change Time from After to Before (or vice versa). The 'Global Rule Change' button allows you to automatically Terminate (and archive off the employee with their current historical settings) and re-create an identical Employee profile that you can allocate to the new Group (Rules).
When you recreate a new Employee they can have the same card Number , etc. as previously and their old data can still be view under their old profiles. If you use this function it is suggested that this process/feature be used at a the of a week (i.e. between week cycles).
STEP 5f. 'Active': Set to yes for any Active employee *
STEP 5g. 'Salary': If set to 'Yes', then no hours/data for this individual will be exported when creating a Pay Export File. The only exception is if you create a Pay Export File for only the single individual.
STEP 5h. 'Not Working': If set to 'Yes' then the employee is excluded from various reports, but the hours/data for this individual will still be exported when creating a Pay Export File. This is typically where an employee might leave mid pay-period.
STEP 6h. 'Hours Per Day': This is the default value that 'Leaves'' values will used to determine their calculations if a Leave is set to be paid as a Day Value.
I.e. if you set 'Hrs' to 8:00, and a leave value is 8 hours also, then this would be 1 day (e.g. 8/8), likewise if the Leave Value was 4 hours this would be 0.5 days (e.g. 4/8).
The default is '00:00'. If you leave the default value as '00:00' then all calculations of days will = 1
STEP 6i. 'Hours Per Week': This default value is used for calculation of a specific day value for a limited number of Pay Export Files. Although detailed as 'Hours Per Week' it should also be considered as also being 'Hours per pay period'. I.e. if paying per week and the default value is 40, then if paying bi-weekly this should be increased to 80.
Terminating an Employee
Important Notes
This action will Terminate the employee as of the date selected, therefore please ensure/note:
1. The employees Pay Periods via the ‘4. Punch Corrections’ Screen should be ‘Closed’ up to this week.
2. Any stored data relating to this employee from tomorrows date onwards should be deleted. (I.e. Stat days, Leaves, Pre-loaded Clocking’s, etc.)
(From Version 3.064 onwards this delete process is performed automatically as part of the 'Terminate' process)
3. If the employee returns they can be ‘UnTerminated’.
4. If the employee has no data stored against them they will be permanently removed from the system.
When an employee is Terminated their status changes from 'Active' to 'Terminated'. All data associated with the employee remains stored (weather 'Closed' or not). A Terminated employee does not count towards your employee license capacity.
STEP 6. Employee Details
These are just general information settings that you can complete if/as required.
STEP 7. Statutory Holiday Rules
Under the 'Main 2' tab (top of screen)
complete if required
STEP 7a. 'Holiday type': This function allows you to select if values for Statutory Holiday's are determined by either the employees default 'Attendance' value (i.e. either from the Group Rules or employees Setup screen), or variable value 'Rostering' as per the employees Roster.
The default is 'Attendance'
The difference between the 2 options is explained more clearly on the right hand side of the 'Main 2' screen.
STEP 7b. 'Group Stat Holiday Hours': If you are using the 'Attendance' (default) option as per 7a above, you can now select to use the default statutory holiday value as set in the Group Rules, or 'No' override with a value specific to this employee.
The default is 'Yes' = Use Group value
STEP 7c. 'Hrs': This is the employees default statutory holiday value if you selected 'No' in 7b above.
STEP 7d. 'Alternative Holiday Paid By' and 'Statutory Holiday Paid By': These 2 options allow you to determine individually if either payment when exporting to one of the applicable payrolls is in 'Hours' or 'Days'.
The default is 'Hours'. If set to 'Hours' the output value for all Pay Export Files will be the entered Hour value, whereas if set to 'Days' the output value for all Pay Exprt Files will be 1 (day).
STEP 8. Job Tracking Defaults
Under the 'Defaults' tab (top of screen)
complete if required
The 'Job Tracking Allocation' function allows you to automatically allocate an employees to Cost Center and/or Job when they Clock In or Transfer.
Manually selecting a Cost Center and/or Job when they Clock In or Transfer (via an appropriately spec Reader or Punch at the P.C.) will overwrite these defaults.
STEP 8a. 'Cost Centre': This is where you can select the employees default Cost Centre.
The default is 'None'
STEP 8b. 'Job': This is where you can select the employees default Job.
The default is 'None'
STEP 8c. 'Default Attendance Punch': This option should be set to 'Yes' if you wish to use the above defaults in 7a. and 7b.
The default is 'No'
STEP 8d. Dynamic Updating of Cost Centre Defaults from Import Data': If you choose 'Yes' to this option then the employees Default Cost Centre will be updated by the most recent selected Cost Centre at time of Clocking In or Transferring.
The default is 'No'
STEP 8e. Dynamic Updating of Job Defaults from Import Data': If you choose 'Yes' to this option then the employees Default Job will be updated by the most recent selected Job at time of Clocking In or Transferring.
The default is 'No'
STEP 9. Allocating Allowances
Under the 'Allowances' tab (top of screen)
complete if required
STEP 9a. 'Allowance Allocation': This allows you to allocate preset Allowance to this Employee.
Allowances can also be allocated via the Group rules screen, or manually via the 'Corrections' screen.
STEP 9. Finally press 'Save' to save your employee details.